Monday, March 14, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

Hi everyone!
During my time in Camp Stone last summer, I had the privilege of spending some time with the eccentric Yehuda Rothner. During our talks, I found out that, even though he does a million things, he manages to read a book every week. Starting right after the summer, I decided to try and do the same. I generally have time that I use up for things less important, why not take upon the challenge? So, I have been doing it for twenty-nine weeks now, and it has surprisingly not been impossibly hard to keep up. I decided to make this blog to both crystallize my thoughts on each book, and to possibly hear what others have to say on the topics of Jewish thought the books discuss. As can be seen from the list below, most of the books i have chosen have been Jewish thought related, although it has not been exclusively so. I hope to go back and discuss some of the ones I have done in the past. Feel free to comment, I would love to hear what you have to say.
Hope you enjoy!

1.   Science of G-D
2.   Fresh Fruit and Vintage Wine
3.   Lonely Man of Faith
4.   Halakhik man
5.   Hillel (Telushkin)
6.   Future Tense
7.   Torah Umadda
8.   As a Driven Leaf
9.   Kol Dodi Dofek
10. Genesis and the Big Bang
11. Book of Doctrines and Beliefs (Emunot Vedeot)
12. The Things They Carried
13. Learning to Read Midrash
14. Printing the Talmud
15. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
16. What Happy People Know
17. Abraham's Children
18. Not in Heaven
19. Intro to the Philosophy of Religion
20. The Last Night of the Yankee Dynasty
21. Worship of the Heart
22. The Hidden Face of G-d
23. 19 Letters of Ben Uziel
24. Documentary Hypothesis – Umberto Cassuto
25. Equality lost
26. MoneyBall
27. Handbook of Jewish Thought I 
28. Rabbinic Thought in the Talmud
29. The Oral Law