I'm getting married so I wanted to do a good review in the laws of Niddah. Separate from my Rabbinic training, I felt it was important for me to review the laws I am soon going to live by, just as my future wife is. A quick note about the book itself. Rabbi Sobolofsky does a great job in going through the halachos and the ideas behind them. Many times, halakha books, and the Artscroll halakha books are notorious for this, stray away from paskining in the books. Not willing to paskin even in places where it is clear, creates a perception that all the sources quoted are taken equally. What that does is give a machmir tone (perhaps they are trying to do this). Rabbi Sobolofsky does not fall into this trap. He tells it as he sees it, and when there is disagreement, he lets you know, but he says it as it is, whether it means being lenient or strict at that time. I have seen more and more Rabeim that are scared to do this even in conversations with prospective Rabbis. Whether it be a humble attitude, a deference to Rabbis that are more knowledgeable, or a fearful Rabbinate, the honesty in this book was refreshing. We need a Rabbinate that is able to actively engage the issues of our time. It is therefore important to acknowledge it when I see it. Although the depth of quotations leaves some to be desired, but a consequence of that is that it becomes an easier read. If you're looking to get a better view of the technicalities of Hilchot Niddah, this is a very good read.