Monday, September 26, 2011

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

The Screwtape Letters was one of the best books I have ever read. The basic plot of the letters is of a senior devil, Screwtape, helping a junior devil, Wormwood, through his temptations of the person he is assigned to. In each letter, Screwtape discusses a way in which to, or not to, tempt a person to do evil in the eyes of the Enemy (G-d). To me, this was a very important book in a very different way than most other books of it's kind. While, very little proof is given for how the evil inclination tempts us is given, throughout the book, I felt many, if not most, of the tactics to be very true. Without getting too personal, it truly felt that C.S. Lewis had insight into the workings of the human mind. It is not something that he quantified, but it feels that it is profoundly true. Even since reading this book I have seen the tactics that Screwtape tells Wormwood to use creep up in my mind, and now knowing what is going on, it has been easier to overcome. There perhaps is no better time to read this than right now, before the Yamim Noraim. Many people will see this book as a religious book by a Christian writer that has no bearing on Jewish lives. However, this is far from the truth. True, there are many things that are not specific to Judaism, such as the idea that one goes to either Heaven or Hell forever, most of the concepts that flow throughout the letters are close to all religious and even non-religious people. It is not a long book, and each of the letters are very short (many are just a couple pages), making it a very easy read. It is a book I definitely recommend to everyone, perhaps even to be read more than once.