Podhoretz actually acknowledges my question, but uses the point to explain why they are liberal. Throughout history, going as far back as the Middle Ages, the Right, more specifically the Christian Right, was consistently antagonistic towards the Jewish people. Jews were persecuted, and their only way to be protected was to go through the embarrassing ritual of conversion. When the Enlightenment and then Marxism came along the Left finally gave Jews a way to be shielded without converting. All that Jews would have to do would be to get rid of the rituals that made them different. Eventually Reform Judaism came about to try and fulfill this need to be part of the "reason"able society. Podhoretz gives an interesting point here that although Jews thought they had found away not to convert they really hadn't. They found a way not to convert to Christianity, but they had to convert to the religion of reason instead.
Always seeing the Right as religious, and therefore anti-Jewish, in nature, Jews continued to be liberal after immigrating to America. This continued both from a conceived anti-semitism from the Right and the perceived acceptance from the Left, epitomized in FDR's tenures in office. In this way there had been a tradition for a very long time to hold onto liberalism.
Podhoretz then goes through recent Presidential elections showing the overwhelming support for the Democratic candidate, to a large extent irrelevant of the candidate's attitudes towards issues that relate to Jews, primarily Israel. Podhoretz laments that even though things have changed and there are significantly more proponents of Israel and other Jewish causes on the Right than there are on the Left, Jews continue to vote as liberals. In order to explain this Podhoretz rejects the traditional view of history, that Jews have historically been liberals so they continue to be so because liberalism has changed dramatically in recent years as has the entire political climate. All other demographics have changed why haven't Jews. Another answer he rejects is that liberalism has the Jewish value of tzedakah. While this may be true, the Torah and Rabbinic texts do not take any stance on political matters as they pertain to America today.
The answer Podhoretz comes to is striking. Many Jews have "converted" to liberalism, so much so that “where the Torah of contemporary liberalism conflicts with the Torah of Judaism, it is the Torah of liberalism that prevails and the Torah of Judaism that must give way.” While he bemoans this, I certainly hope that it is not true, and scared if it is. Just to be clear, I am not making no statement about any specific Jewish voters. However, I sincerely hope that whenever we, as thinking educated people, can determine the candidate that is best for Jewish issues, specifically Israel. I am scared to think that many Jews have predetermined their votes towards either candidate, based on party, without knowing how they will treat our own people. Certainly, other issues are very important, but it is due to the fact that we have always treated each generation like it could be the Jewish people's last that we have survived for so many centuries. To ignore the needs of our own people in the name of liberalism,or any other political philosophy for that matter, is not only foolish but destructive.